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1.1 - A Magic Key (6:12)
1.2 – The Subject of Study (1:55)
1.3 - Personal Introduction (8:51)
1.4 - Between Esoteric Mysteries and Archaic Revivalism - (Part 1) (13:50)
1.5 – The Ego and Higher Self in Dialogue (9:44)
1.6 – So What Is "Soul Science"? (7:33)
1.7 – Where Does This Knowledge Come From? (19:58)
1.8 – The First Pillar: Archetypal Shamanism (7:55)
1.9 – A Brief History of European Alchemy (14:16)
1.10 – The Second Pillar: Alchemy as Soul Science (18:27)
1.11 – The Third Pillar: Jungian Psychology (12:13)
1.12 – The Fourth Pillar: Modern Mythology (10:30)
1.13 - What is "Modern" About This? (11:27)
1.14 - The Higher Self (10:42)
1.15 - The Soul Body (the Astral Body) (18:30)
1.16 - Modern Mythology and the Soul Body (12:11)
1.17 - The Ego (8:32)
1.18 - Beware the Tricksters and False Masters (17:36)
1.19 - Introduction to the Alchemy of Contemporary Shamanic Initiation (16:58)
2.1 – Introduction: Terminology and Sobering Considerations (4:27)
2.2 – The Shamanic Archetype: A Broad Definition (6:26)
2.3 – Speculations on Modern Shamanic Candidacy (2:15)
2.4 – Where Are All the Shamanic Candidates in our Culture? (9:58)
2.5 – Humanity’s Great Crisis and the Return of the Shamanic Archetype (7:36)
#1 - Twice Born (31:52)
#2 - Psychopomp (Guide of Souls) (20:06)
#3 - Storyteller, Mythmaker, Sacred Historian (24:02)
#4 - Technician of Dream Time; Tender of Dreams (9:33)
#5 - Explorer and Cartographer of Immaterial Realms (11:13)
#6 - Visionary Artist, Writer, Poet, Creative Director (12:10)
#7 - Sacred Musician, Singer, Dancer, Actor, Performer (16:01)
#8 - Technician of (Ecstatic) Trance States (21:47)
#9 - Ascetic (12:26)
#10 - Promethean Scientist, Mathematician, Inventor, Engineer, Architect, Entrepreneur (31:21)
#11 - Hermetic Magician, Alchemist, Astrologer, Esotericist, Occult Scientist (26:50)
#12 - Wounded Healer (26:12)
#13 - Clairvoyant, Psychic, Remote Viewer, Seer (23:56)
#14 - Energy Worker (15:53)
#15 - One Who Has Formed Alliances / Working Relationships With Supersensible Entities (Spirits) (22:49)
#16 - Mystically Connected to Nature (27:12)
#17 - Initiated Into The Darkness of The Spirit World (13:04)
#18 - Spiritual Warrior (14:11)
#19 - Culture-Hero; Light Bearer (14:21)
#20 - Trickster, Sacred Clown, Holy Fool, Shape-Shifter (23:55)
#21 - Adept In Mysteries of Sexuality (51:50)
#22 - Facilitator, "Master of Ceremonies" (19:43)
#23 - Technician of Entheogenic Ceremony (38:48)
#24 - Traverses the "World Tree"; Mediates and Bridges Opposites (16:05)
#25 - Elder (28:42)
3.1 - Between Spiritual Autobiography and the Science of Shamanic Initiation (10:37)
3.2 - An Overview of the Narrative (26:12)
3.3 – (Part 1) - Call, Crisis, Initiatory Illness, Separation (17:21)
3.3 – (Part 2) - Call, Crisis, Initiatory Illness, Separation (17:10)
3.4 – (Part 1) - Descent to the Underworld, Dismemberment, Death, Rebirth, Resurrection (25:24)
3.4 – (Part 2) - Descent to the Underworld, Dismemberment, Death, Rebirth, Resurrection (27:09)
3.5 - (Part 3) - Descent to the Underworld, Dismemberment, Death, Rebirth, Resurrection (27:14)
3.5 - (Part 4) - Descent to the Underworld, Dismemberment, Death, Rebirth, Resurrection (23:05)
3.6 – (Part 1) - Ascent to The Celestial World, Revelation of the Creator, Receiving Spiritual Mission (24:15)
3.6 – (Part 2) - Ascent to The Celestial World, Revelation of the Creator, Receiving Spiritual Mission (15:52)
3.7 – Obtaining Power, Forging Spiritual Alliances, Shamanic Specialization (28:57)
3.8 – Receiving Didactic, Traditional, Historical Instruction, Preparation For Vocation/Mission (13:11)
3.9 – (Part 1) - Carrying Out Spiritual Mission, Rite Of Passage Into Genuine Shamanic Service (20:06)
3.9 – (Part 2) - Carrying Out Spiritual Mission, Rite Of Passage Into Genuine Shamanic Service (20:34)
3.9 – (Part 3) - Carrying Out Spiritual Mission, Rite Of Passage Into Genuine Shamanic Service (23:15)
3.10 – Passage Into Elderhood (40:55)
3.11 – Passage Into The Spiritual World (21:45)
4.0 - Introduction: Between Archaic Revivalism and Esoteric Mysteries (Part II) (9:05)
4.1 - "One Particularly Powerful Bridge" (42:41)
4.2 – The 4 Members of the Human Being (7:28)
4.3 – The Physical Body (5:01)
4.4 - The Etheric Body (25:21)
4.5 – (Part 1) - The Astral Body - The Soul Body (23:57)
4.5 - (Part 2) - The Astral Body - The 3 Members of the Soul (24:22)
4.6 – The Ego (the "I am") (15:46)
4.7 - (Part 1) - Perceiving the Higher Bodies (22:38)
4.7 - (Part 2) - Perceiving the Higher Bodies (21:45)
4.8 – Outdated Ego, Soul Loss, Separation, and the "Higher Self" (30:44)
4.9 – (Part 1) - The Ego as the Alchemist, and the Work of Transmuting the Astral Body (24:10)
4.9 – (Part 2) - The Ego as the Alchemist, and the Work of Transmuting the Astral Body (23:46)
4.10 – The Work of Transmuting the Etheric Body (12:02)
4.11 – The Work of Transmuting the Physical Body (8:24)
4.12 - Death and Dying (22:18)
4.13 - The Higher Bodies and the Reincarnation Process (9:15)
4.14 - Modern Considerations (32:21)
4.15 - Initiation and the Imprinting of the Higher Bodies (14:33)
5.1 - In the Spirit of Soul Tending (10:53)
5.2 – Establishing a Basis for a Shamanic Psychiatry (18:03)
5.3 - Creative Assignment (Active Imagination and Diagnostic Exercise) (29:55)
5.4 – (Part 1) - Types of Modern Calls (20:05)
5.4 – (Part 2) - Types of Modern Calls (21:09)
5.4 – (Part 3) - Types of Modern Calls (15:24)
5.4 – (Part 4) - Types of Modern Calls (16:01)
5.5 - (Part 1) - Onsets and Triggers (24:25)
5.5 - (Part 2) - Onsets and Triggers (23:02)
5.6 - (Part 1) - Signs of Awakening Higher Bodies (18:11)
5.6 - (Part 2) - Signs of Awakening Higher Bodies (20:36)
5.6 – (Part 3) - Signs of Awakening Higher Bodies (19:02)
5.6 - (Part 4) - Signs of Awakening Higher Bodies (18:38)
5.7 – (Part 1) - Inherent Dangers in the Awakening Process of the Higher Bodies (25:29)
5.7 - (Part 2) - Inherent Dangers in the Awakening Process of the Higher Bodies (25:05)
5.7 - (Part 3) - Inherent Dangers in the Awakening Process of the Higher Bodies (19:48)
5.7 - (Part 4) - Inherent Dangers in the Awakening Process of the Higher Bodies (21:03)
5.8 – Elders and the Need for Lineage (13:54)
5.9 - Serious Long-term Consequences of Initiatory Miscarriage (16:38)
5.10 - Elders, Initiates, Divine Beings, and the Hope of Redeeming Initiatory Miscarriages (11:58)
5.11 - Bridge from Module 5 to Module 6 (76:38)
Module 6 Assignment: Trace Your Spiritual, Philosophical, Religious, and Shamanic Influences Back to their Origins (4:00)
6.1 – Introduction to Module 6 (10:17)
6.2 - The "Primeval Wisdom" of Humanity (Between Esoteric Mysteries and Archaic Revivalism - Part III) (22:31)
6.3 - A Shamanic Lineage to Call Our Own (5:16)
6.4. - (Part 1) - The Hermetic Archetype - a broad definition (15:27)
6.4 - (Part 2) - The Hermetic Archetype - a broad definition (15:29)
6.5 - The Paradoxical Nature of Hermes-Mercurius (17:37)
6.6 - (Part 1) - Devilish Aspects of Hermes-Mercurius (29:02)
6.6 - (Part 2) - Devilish Aspects of Hermes-Mercurius (19:09)
6.6 - (Part 3) - Devilish Aspects of Hermes-Mercurius (16:15)
6.6 - (Part 4) - "Another Mercury-the-Devil Lesson Later On" - Illuminating Mercurius Through the Divine Feminine (11:19)
6.7 - (Part 1) - Mercurius and the 4 Pillars of the School of Modern Soul Science (16:49)
6.7 - (Part 2) - Mercurius and the 4 Pillars of the School of Modern Soul Science (23:39)
6.8 - (Part 1) - Mercurius the Magic Mirror (32:34)
6.8 - (Part 2) - Mercurius the Magic Mirror (32:39)
6.8 - (Part 3) - Goddess Medicine for Mercurius the Magic Mirror (23:40)
6.9 – (Part 1) - Hermes-Mercurius: The Unifier of Opposites (15:02)
6.9 - (Part 2) - Hermes-Mercurius: The Unifier of Opposites (12:49)
6.10 - A Light in the Darkness (18:51)
6.11 - Hermes the Psychopomp (22:15)
6.12 - (Part 1) - The Illumination of Mercurius (32:21)
6.12 - (Part 2) - The Illumination of the Feminine Mercurius (28:58)
6.13 - (Part 1) - The Transmutation of Mercurius (18:00)
6.13 - (Part 2) - The Transmutation of Mercurius (17:44)
6.13 - (Part 3) - The Transmutation of Mercurius (16:25)
6.14 - (Part 1) - The Microcosmic Spirit of Individuation and the Macrocosmic Spirit of Humanity's Evolution of Consciousness (12:35)
6.14 - (Part 2) - The Microcosmic Spirit of Individuation and the Macrocosmic Spirit of Humanity's Evolution of Consciousness (28:21)
6.14 - (Part 3) - The Microcosmic Spirit of Individuation and the Macrocosmic Spirit of Humanity's Evolution of Consciousness (7:09)
6.15 - (Part 1) - The Illuminated Hermetic Impulse - The Preserver, Retriever, Synthesizer, and Revealer of Primeval Wisdom; the Messenger God of Cultural, Civilizational, Epochal Transition (23:06)
6.15 - (Part 2) - The Illuminated Hermetic Impulse - The Preserver, Retriever, Synthesizer, and Revealer of Primeval Wisdom; the Messenger God of Cultural, Civilizational, Epochal Transition (23:27)
6.16 - (Part 1 of 10) - The Illuminated Hermetic Impulse - The Fountainhead of "the Mysteries" (18:36)
6.16 - (Part 2 of 10) - The Illuminated Hermetic Impulse - The Fountainhead of "the Mysteries" (16:01)
6.16 - (Part 3 of 10) - The Illuminated Hermetic Impulse - The Fountainhead of "the Mysteries" (19:32)
6.16 - (Part 4 of 10) - The Illuminated Hermetic Impulse - The Fountainhead of "the Mysteries" (16:29)
6.16 - (Part 5 of 10) - The Illuminated Hermetic Impulse - The Fountainhead of "the Mysteries" (21:40)
6.16 - (Part 6 of 10) - The Illuminated Hermetic Impulse - The Fountainhead of "the Mysteries" (17:15)
6.16 - (Part 7 of 10) - The Illuminated Hermetic Impulse - The Fountainhead of "the Mysteries" (20:33)
6.16 - (Part 8 of 10) - The Illuminated Hermetic Impulse - The Fountainhead of "the Mysteries" (14:44)
6.16 - (Part 9 of 10) - The Illuminated Hermetic Impulse - The Fountainhead of "the Mysteries" (19:47)
6.16 - (Part 10 of 10) - The Illuminated Hermetic Impulse - The Fountainhead of "the Mysteries" (9:54)
6.17 - (Part 1 of 10) - Entheogens and the Illuminated Hermetic Impulse; the Art and Science of Entheogenic Initiation (15:40)
6.17 - (Part 2 of 10) - Entheogens and the Illuminated Hermetic Impulse; the Art and Science of Entheogenic Initiation (22:44)
6.17 - (Part 3 of 10) - Entheogens and the Illuminated Hermetic Impulse; the Art and Science of Entheogenic Initiation (14:31)
6.17 - (Part 4 of 10) - Entheogens and the Illuminated Hermetic Impulse; the Art and Science of Entheogenic Initiation (15:07)
6.17 - (Part 5 of 10) - Entheogens and the Illuminated Hermetic Impulse; the Art and Science of Entheogenic Initiation (20:02)
6.17 - (Part 6 of 10) - Entheogens and the Illuminated Hermetic Impulse; the Art and Science of Entheogenic Initiation (15:29)
6.17 - (Part 7 of 10) - Entheogens and the Illuminated Hermetic Impulse; the Art and Science of Entheogenic Initiation (14:18)
6.17 - (Part 8 of 10) - Entheogens and the Illuminated Hermetic Impulse; the Art and Science of Entheogenic Initiation (14:12)
6.17 - (Part 9 of 10) - Entheogens and the Illuminated Hermetic Impulse; the Art and Science of Entheogenic Initiation (27:19)
6.17 - (Part 10 of 10) - Entheogens and the Illuminated Hermetic Impulse; the Art and Science of Entheogenic Initiation (31:48)
6.18 – The Illuminated Hermetic Impulse - Bearer of the Promethean Flame
6.19 – The Hermetic Archetype - The God of Revelation - the Messenger and Prophet of God
6.20 – Hellenistic Alexandria and the Cross-fertilization of Mystery Wisdom
6.21. - The Widespread Revelation of Primeval Wisdiom: The New Library of Alexandria
7.1 - Introduction: Weaving Wisdom Across Time, Evolving Mystery Wisdom to Suit the Present Age
7. - The Anti-Hermetic Impulse - The Conspiracy to Conceal the True Spiritual History of Humanity
7. - Never Trust Authority... Trust a Good Story Instead!
7. - The End of Atlantis and the Transmigration of Mystery Wisdom
7. - The Holy Rishis and the Rig Veda (pre-historic Vedic Wisdom) - (East-West Bridge Series - Part 1)
7. - Zarathustra and the Zend Avesta (Pre-historic Persian Wisdom)
7. – Thoth and the Divine (Mystery) Wisdom of Ancient Egypt
7. - Moses, David, Solomon, and the Hebrew Hermetic Impulse
7. - The Greek Hermes
7. – Hellenistic Alexandria and the Cross-fertilization of Mystery Wisdom
7. - Hermes Trismegistus
7. - The Rise of the Roman Empire
7. - The Essenes
7. - The Mystery of Golgotha (1)
7.3 - (333 B.C.E. - 333 C.E.) Hermetic Era: The Library of Alexandria, Gnosticism and Hermeticism
7.4 – (333 C.E. ~ 700 C.E.) The Rise of the Roman Catholic Church, the Extermination and Distortion of the Gnostic Christ Impulse and the Suppression (Diabolicalization) of the Hermetic Impulse
7.5 – Understanding the Trauma Inflicted by the Church of Rome upon the Hermetic and Gnostic Impulses
7.6 – (700 C.E – 1200 C.E.) The Pagan Hermetic (Sciences) Impulse Flees into Arab Civilization
7.7 – (333 C.E. – 1100 C.E.) The Gnostic Christian Impulse Flees Eastward, Secretly Spreads throughout early Monastic Europe
7.8 – (1100’s – 1300’s) The Gnostic Christian Impulse Resurfaces in The School of Chartres, Catharism, and the Knights Templar (Gnostic-Hermetic-Magical)
7.9 – (1100’s – 1300’s) The Roman Church’s Second Wave of Persecution Against the Gnostic Impulse (extermination of Cathars and Knights Templar, successful distortion of their “heresy” enters history)
7.10 - (1200’s) The Hermetic Lineage (Alchemy) Returns to Europe through Moorish Spain, Arabic translated into Latin
7.11 – (1300’s) The Impulse of Rosicrucianism plants in Europe. Christian Rosenkreutz, integrates the Christian Gnostic impulse with the Hermetic Sciences of the Middle East. Birth of “Gnostic-Christian-Hermetic Lineage of Arts and Sciences”
7.12 – (1400’s) The First Impulse of Rosicrucianism grows underground; Beginnings of Freemasonry, picking up Knights Templar Lineage, but in distorted form
7.13 – (end of 1400’s) Publication of the Corpus Hermeticum (non-Christian, pre-Rosicrucian)
7.14 – (1500’s) The Renaissance (of the Hermetic Impulse in Europe); Master Painters and Sculptors (Art), Paracelsus (Medicine), Shakespeare (English), the beginnings of the Scientific Revolution
7.15 – (1500’s-1600’s) The Emergence of the Art of Rosicrucian Alchemy
7.16 – (1600’s) ~ Famous Rosicrucian Publications, the Golden Age of European Alchemy
7.17 – (1700’s) ~ Comte de Saint Germaine, the Twilight of European Royalty, and the Dawn of the Age of Secret Society Rule
7.18 – (1800’s) ~ Hermetic Wisdom is Hijacked by Evil
7.19 – (end of 1800’s) ~ HP Blavatsky, Theosophy, Various Hermetic Societies Emerge, Hermetic Lineage Still Split between Pagan, Eastern, and Christian Gnostic Impulses
7.20 - (1900's) - The Necessity of Retrieving and Healing the Traumatized Fragements of our Lineage from the Obscurity of Suppression and Distortion. Weaving the Hermetic threads together again into a Modern Incarnation, plugged into the Urgent Needs of our Culture
7.21 - (21st Century and Beyond) - All the Threads Come Together, and the Ancient Soul Science Returns in a New Form
8.1 - Jung as the First Modern Soul Scientist – Part shaman, part mythmaker, part alchemist
8.2 - Young Jung as a “Shamanic Candidate”
8.3 - Soul Retrieval for an Entire Age: The childhood dream, integrating Christianity’s Hermetic and Gnostic Shadows
8.4 - Jung as a Modern Scientist Investigating the Mysteries of the Psyche
8.5 - Psychoanalysis: Occultism Rediscovered Through Materialistic Science
8.6 - Break with Freud, Crisis of Mythlessness
8.7 - Jung’s Muse: The Magical Anima Figure
8.8 - Jung’s Modern Shamanic Initiation: Confrontation with the Unconscious
8.9 – Hermetically (Heroically) Capturing the Confrontation
8.10 - Research into Gnosticism
8.11 - Research into Dreams, Myths
8.12 - Discovery of Alchemy – the link restored (gnosis and Rosicrucian Alchemy), made available to the modern soul in a modern language
8.13 - Jung the Mystic
8.14 - Jung the Double-Agent
8.15 – The RED BOOK is Finally Published in 2009
8.16 - Jung as Modern Hermes; Jung’s Work as Modern Hermetic Revelation
9.1 - The ego and the Self
9.2 - The ego’s confrontation with the unconscious (the unawakened Astral Body)
9.3 - The Alchemy of Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
9.4 - Cycles of Inflation and Alienation
9.5 - Cycles of Union of Opposites and Dissolution of Opposites
9.6 - Emergence of the Self Archetype, the “God-image”, the Center of the Personality, that which orders the Alchemical process, the so called “Higher Self”
9.7 - Ego-Self axis – dialogue process, and keeping the ego healthily related to the Higher Self
9.8 - The realm of the Psyche-Soul – Dreams and Imagination
9.9 - Shamanism as an Archaic Manifestation of Individuation; Individuation as Modern Shamanic Initiation
9.10 - Myth as Map for Individuation; Individuation as Personal Mythmaking
9.11 - Alchemy as Science of Individuation; Individuation as Personal Alchemy
10.1 - Introduction:
10.2 - Origins of Myths: Archaic and Esoteric Mystery Dramas
10.3 - Joseph Campbell’s “Hermetic” approach to Mythology
10.4 - The Hero’s Journey: Overview
10.5 - A Narrative Fractal, the Key to the Magic
10.6 - The Cast of Characters
10.7 - Inner Map, Outer Map
10.8 - Squeezing Wisdom and Self-knowledge out of our Favorite Myths
10.9 - Applying the Hero’s Journey to Everyday Life
10.10 Applying the Hero’s Journey to Epically Extraordinary Life Circumstances
10.11 – Uncovering One’s Mythic Life Narrative
10.12 - C.G. Jung and J.R.R. Tolkien - The Red Book (Liber Novus) and the Red Book of Westmarch
10.13 - Necessary Elements of a Viable Modern Mythology (Part I)
11.1 - Disclaimer
11.2 - What are Entheogens? What Role do they Play in Initiation?
11.3 - Archetypal Shamanism vs. Culture-specific Shamanism
11.4 - Dangers of Cultural Appropriation
11.5 - Dangers of Archaic Romanticization or Fetishization
11.6 – Dangers of Inflation, overidentification with the Archetype
11.7 – Dangers of Lack of Elderhood, lack of Grounded Tradition
11.8 - Characteristics of the Astral Body itself = Characteristics of a Shaman
11.9 - Balancing the Archaic Shaman with the Mystery School Initiate
11.10 – The Need for Elders: Where Are They Today?
12.1 - Introdution: Alchemy Updated to Meet the Needs of the Modern Soul
12.2 - The Subject: The Self (The 3-in-1 ‘Ego-Soul-Spirit’ Complex)
12.3 - The Hermetic Vessel
12.4 - The Secret Fire
12.5 - The Spirit Mercurius
12.6 - The Three General Stages: Black, White, and Red
12.7 - The Operations
12.8 - The Union of Opposites (Light and Dark, Masculine and Feminine)
12.9 - The Problem of the Mercurial Serpent
12.10 - The Crystallization of the Illuminated Astral Body
12-11 - The Secret Art Revealed – A Treasure Chest of Initiatory Wisdom Decoded for Contemporary Western Seekers
How to Proceed Through the School Curriculum
3.10 – Passage Into Elderhood
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